Monday 2 November 2020

1/72 (20mm) Plastic Soldier Company Allied M4A2 Sherman

1/72 Plastic Soldier Company Allied M4A2 Sherman Tank



The M4A2 Sherman tank, named the Sherman III in Britain and the Commonwealth, is the Sherman variant with a diesel engine (the General Motors 6046 twin inline diesel engine).  Sherman M4A2s were often supplied to Allied Nation through the Lend-Lease program.

The Plastic Soldier Company (PSC) produces a 1/72 scale (20mm) Allied Sherman M4A2 Tank set, which allows you to build three Sherman tanks.  As with other PSC kits, the M4A2 kit provides options for customizing the models.  These options allows you to build the standard M4A2 (with a 75 mm gun), the M4A2(76)W (an upgraded 76 mm gun), or the M4(105) with a 105mm howitzer.  As well, both British/Commonwealth and American tank commanders are included.




1/72 Plastic Soldier Company Allied M4A2 Sherman Tank

M4A2 Sherman Tank sprue: side 1


1/72 Plastic Soldier Company Allied M4A2 Sherman Tank

M4A2 Sherman Tank sprue: side 2




I utilized the options provided in this kit and built three different configurations of the M4A2: the standard M4A2, the M4A2(76)W and the M4(105).  Since Sherman M4A2s were commonly used by Allied Nations under the Lend-Lease program, I built these Sherman as belonging to different nations.  The standard M4A2 is a Canadian tank from the 4th Canadian Armoured Division; the M4A2(76)W is a Russian Lend-Lease tank; the M4(105) is an American tank from the segregated 761st ‘Black Panthers’ Tank Battalion. 





1/72 Plastic Soldier Company Allied M4A2 Sherman Tank

4th Canadian Armoured Division Sherman III: side 1


1/72 Plastic Soldier Company Allied M4A2 Sherman Tank

4th Canadian Armoured Division Sherman III: side 2


1/72 Plastic Soldier Company Allied M4A2 Sherman Tank

4th Canadian Armoured Division Sherman III: front




Canadian Sherman III.  The markings on this tank shows it belongs to A Squadron (the Commonwealth equivalent of an U.S. armoured company) of the 21st Armoured Regiment (The Governor General’s Foot Guards) of the 4th Armoured Brigade of the 4th Canadian Armoured Division.  The red triangle on the sides of the turret indicates this tank belongs to A Squadron of a Senior Regiment.  The red square with the white ‘51’ on the front of the tank identifies the 21st Armoured Regiment.





1/72 Plastic Soldier Company Allied M4A2 Sherman Tank

Russian Sherman ‘EMCHA’ M4A2(76)W: side 1

(slogan translation: Crush the Fascists)


1/72 Plastic Soldier Company Allied M4A2 Sherman Tank

Russian Sherman ‘EMCHA’ M4A2(76)W: side 2

(slogan translation: For the Homeland)




Russian M4A2(76)W.  I wrote popular Russian tank slogans on the sides of the Sherman to show this tank belongs to the Red Army.  As well, I have added Russian tank riders and a Russian tank crew.  The tank riders and crew are from HaT Toy Soldiers.





1/72 Plastic Soldier Company Allied M4A2 Sherman Tank

Black Panthers M4(105): side 1


1/72 Plastic Soldier Company Allied M4A2 Sherman Tank

Black Panthers M4(105): side 2




M4(105) Sherman.  The M4(105) Sherman belongs to the 761st ‘Black Panthers’ Tank Battalion; a famous segregated African-American tank battalion who served in the European Theatre.  The Black Panthers fought in several campaigns, including the Battle of the Bulge, and won the Presidential Unit Citation, the Congressional Medal of Honour (S/Sgt. Ruben Rivers), 11 Silver Stars, 69 Bronze Stars and 296 Purple Hearts (8 with clusters signifying a second award).

The below photos are test shots for my upcoming World War 2 miniatures website featuring the Sherman tanks shown in this post.




1/72 Plastic Soldier Company Allied M4A2 Sherman Tank

1/72 Plastic Soldier Company Allied M4A2 Sherman Tank

1/72 Plastic Soldier Company Allied M4A2 Sherman Tank

1/72 Plastic Soldier Company Allied M4A2 Sherman Tank

1/72 Plastic Soldier Company Allied M4A2 Sherman Tank

1/72 Plastic Soldier Company Allied M4A2 Sherman Tank



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