Thursday 30 June 2022

Labyrinth Lord Cleric Character Generator Version 2


Labyrinth Lord Cleric Character Generator Version 2


Clerics are holy warriors, who have pledged their lives in the service of a deity. Through their deities, clerics have divine powers which gives them the ability to cast divine spells and to turn undead. Clerics can wear all types of armour; however, they are prohibited from using edged weapons in combat.





Labyrinth Lord Cleric Character Generator Version 2

Cleric Character Sheet Version 2




The Labyrinth Lord Cleric Character Generator Version 2 has launched and is available on Adventurer’s Portal; a fan sited dedicated to Goblinoid Games’ Labyrinth Lord role-playing game.  This version of the Cleric Character Generator adds additional functionality to the first iteration of the Labyrinth Lord Cleric Generator, by more options for customizing the randomly generated character.  These options includes random name generation, random weapons and equipment generation, and the ability to customize ability scores with the use of drop-down menus. 





Labyrinth Lord Cleric Character Generator Version 2

Cleric Character Generator V2 Screenshot 1





Labyrinth Lord Cleric Character Generator Version 2

Cleric Character Generator V2 Screenshot 2: Custom Ability Scores





Labyrinth Lord Cleric Character Generator Version 2





Labyrinth Lord Cleric Character Generator Version 2





Adventurer's Portal: A Labyrinth Lord Fan Site

Adventurer’s Portal: A Labyrinth Lord Fan Site is a website dedicated to the Labyrinth Lord role-playing system.  This website includes random character generators for both the Labyrinth Lord Basic/Expert and Labyrinth Lord Advance game systems.

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