Monday 25 November 2019

Red Box Eastern Adventures: Digital Illustrations

A year ago, I took up the hobby of sketching (I had dabbled in sketching a couple of years before, but nothing serious).  The process of sketching sparked my interest in creating ‘White Box: Eastern Adventures’, a rules light OSR role-playing game (available as a free PDF on DriveThruRPG).  Recently, I started digital sketching, using a graphics tablet and a digital pen.  My motivation for taking up this hobby was to create colour illustrations for ‘Red Box: Eastern Adventures’ and for the companion website for this game.

A Bushi battling a Greater Bakemono.  The Bushi is equivalent to the Fighter character class, whereas the Greater Bakemono is akin to the Hobgoblin.

A Koropokuru Sohei (warrior monk; akin to the Cleric class).  Diversity and representation are important to our hobby; thus, I painted the warrior monk with a darker skin tone, representing a character from an African or Middle Eastern heritage.

 A low level Shugenja (magic user) casting Frost Bolt (a first level spell).

A prototype of the front cover.  I am planning to release ‘Red Box: Eastern Adventures’ as a free PDF on DriveThruRPG, with the option of an affordable priced print on demand version of the game.

Saturday 23 November 2019

Warhammer 40K Vostroyan Firstborn: Part 2

Armed with handcrafted weapons passed down through the generations, the Vostroyan Firstborn hail from the Industrial Hive World of Vostroya. To atone for a sin committed during the Horus Heresy, every Vostroyan family must pledge their firstborn son to serve in the Imperial Guard. It is common for family ties to exist in Vostroyan regiments; it is typical for cousins to serve together, and for new recruits to be mentored by their older battle hardened relatives.

Vostroyan Firstborn (front)

Vostroyan Firstborn (back)

Vostroyan Firstborn Heavy Bolter Team (side 1)

Vostroyan Firstborn Heavy Bolter Team (side 2)

I finished painting the remaining miniatures in my Vostroyan Firstborn squad (please see part 1 for more details), which includes the Heavy Bolter Team and three Firstborn with lasguns.  I painted these miniatures in the same colour pattern as the previous group of Vostroyan Firstborn miniatures.

For more images of these miniatures, please visit the Vostroyan Firstborn section of the Old Guard; a website dedicated to Games Workshop’s Warhammer 40K miniatures, with a focus on the classic range of Imperial Guard models from the 1990s.

Friday 22 November 2019

Warhammer 40K Chaos Beastmen: Part 2

Many beastmen are drawn to the lure of Chaos, seeking both power and acceptance from the Dark Gods. Beastmen are taller and stronger than the average non-augmented human; their fierce and brutal nature makes them natural warriors. Beastmen fill the mass ranks of the Chaos armies, serving as shock troopers and scouts.

Chaos Beastmen (front)

Chaos Beastmen (back)

Back in August, I painted and posted a group of 5 ‘kit bashed’ Chaos Beastmen, using components from the Age of Sigmar Gors kit, the Cadian Shock Troopers kit and the Catachan Jungle Fighters kit.  I just finished building and painting five more Chaos Beastmen, using the three kits mentioned above, plus adding a few Victoria Miniatures resin weapons.  While painting these miniatures, I was inspired by the Celtic Warriors of old, and painted three of the Beastmen with blue ‘woad’ warpaint.

For more images of these miniatures, please visit the Chaos Beastmen section of the Old Guard; a website dedicated to Games Workshop’s Warhammer 40K miniatures, with a focus on the classic range of Imperial Guard models from the 1990s.

Dungeon & Dragon Miniatures: Board Game Miniatures Part 5

    Board Game Miniatures   As a Dungeon Master, I love using miniatures in my games to represent the monsters and NPCs my players e...