Sunday 18 July 2021

Warhammer 40,000 Vostroyan Firstborn: Part 4


Vostroyan Firstborn (Wargames Atlantic Les Grognards)


Armed with handcrafted weapons passed down through the generations, the Vostroyan Firstborn hail from the Industrial Hive World of Vostroya. To atone for a sin committed during the Horus Heresy, every Vostroyan family must pledge their firstborn son to serve in the Imperial Guard. It is common for family ties to exist in Vostroyan regiments; it is typical for cousins to serve together, and for new recruits to be mentored by their older battle-hardened relatives.





Vostroyan Firstborn (Wargames Atlantic Les Grognards)


Vostroyan Firstborn (Wargames Atlantic Les Grognards)



Vostroyan Firstborn (Wargames Atlantic Les Grognards)





In 2006, Games Workshop released the Vostroyan Firstborn, a metal range of Imperial Guard (Astra Militarum) models themed on the historical Russian Cossacks.  The Vostroyan Firstborn were available on the GW website until the summer of 2018.  While metal Vostroyan Firstborn models could still be found on eBay (often at premium prices), Wargames Altantic produces an affordable range of plastic miniatures, the ‘Les Grognards’, that could be used for the Vostroyan Firstborn.





Vostroyan Firstborn (Wargames Atlantic Les Grognards)

Wargames Atlantic Les Grognards Sprue: Side 1




Vostroyan Firstborn (Wargames Atlantic Les Grognards)

Wargames Atlantic Les Grognards Sprue: Side 2





Earlier this month, I purchased a box set of ‘Les Grognards’ miniatures, which includes the components to build up to 24 figures.  Four optional head sprues are included in this kit, allowing you to build a diverse range of soldiers.  I built and painted the miniatures in groups of six.  I built and painted the first two groups (12 miniatures) as soldiers of the Aexe Alliance, a World War 1 themed trench warfare army featured in the sixth novel (Straight Silver) of the Gaunt’s Ghost series.  I built and painted the remaining 12 miniatures as guardsmen of the Vostroyan Firstborn.  I have finished the last group of six miniatures (presented here in this post) and plan on adding these miniatures to the Vostroyan Firstborn section of the Old Guard, a Warhammer 40K fan website dedicated to the Imperial Guard (Astra Militarum) regiments of old.






Vostroyan Firstborn (Wargames Atlantic Les Grognards)

Vostroyan Firstborn: Painting Stage 1




Vostroyan Firstborn (Wargames Atlantic Les Grognards)

Vostroyan Firstborn: Painting Stage 2




Vostroyan Firstborn (Wargames Atlantic Les Grognards)

Vostroyan Firstborn: Painting Stage 3





Vostroyan Firstborn (Wargames Altantic Les Grognards)

Vostroyan Firstborn: Painting Stage 4





Vostroyan Firstborn (Wargames Altantic Les Grognards)

Vostroyan Firstborn: Painting Stage 5





Vostroyan Firstborn (Wargames Altantic Les Grognards)

Vostroyan Firstborn: Painting Stage 6





Old Guard: An Astra Militarum/Imperial Guard Fan Site

The Old Guard: An Astra Militarum/Imperial Guard Fan Site is a website dedicated to Games Workshop’s Warhammer 40K universe, with a focus on the classic range of Imperial Guard miniatures of old (the second edition of the game).

Saturday 17 July 2021

Warhammer 40,000 Vostroyan Firstborn: Part 3


Vostroyan Firstborn (Wargames Atlantic Les Grognards)

Armed with handcrafted weapons passed down through the generations, the Vostroyan Firstborn hail from the Industrial Hive World of Vostroya. To atone for a sin committed during the Horus Heresy, every Vostroyan family must pledge their firstborn son to serve in the Imperial Guard. It is common for family ties to exist in Vostroyan regiments; it is typical for cousins to serve together, and for new recruits to be mentored by their older battle-hardened relatives.






Vostroyan Firstborn (Wargames Atlantic Les Grognards)

Wargames Atlantic Les Grognards Sprue: Side 1




Vostroyan Firstborn (Wargames Atlantic Les Grognards)

Wargames Atlantic Les Grognards Sprue: Side 2





I recently purchased a box set of Wargames Atlantic Les Grognards miniatures, which allows you to build a total of 24 figures.  This set includes eight identical ‘Les Grognards’ sprues (three miniatures could be build from each sprue) and four optional head sprues.  The variety of head sculpts allows you build several different styles of troops.  I took advantage of the diversity of head options and build two distinct units from this set: the World War 1 trench warfare influenced Aexe Alliance, and the Russian Cossacks inspired Vostroyan Firstborn.






Vostroyan Firstborn (Wargames Atlantic Les Grognards)

Vostroyan Firstborn: Painting Stage 1




Vostroyan Firstborn (Wargames Atlantic Les Grognards)

Vostroyan Firstborn: Painting Stage 2




Vostroyan Firstborn (Wargames Atlantic Les Grognards)

Vostroyan Firstborn: Painting Stage 3




Vostroyan Firstborn (Wargames Atlantic Les Grognards)

Vostroyan Firstborn: Painting Stage 4




Vostroyan Firstborn (Wargames Atlantic Les Grognards)

Vostroyan Firstborn: Painting Stage 5





I finished building and painting the first six Vostroyan Firstborn miniatures.  I selected the head options with the bearskin hats, and painted the greatcoats worn by these miniatures in the default crimson red colouring of the Vostroyan Firstborn.  I will be adding images of these miniatures to the Vostroyan Firstborn section of the Old Guard, a Warhammer 40K fan website dedicated to the Imperial Guard (Astra Militarum) regiments of old.






Vostroyan Firstborn (Wargames Atlantic Les Grognards)



Vostroyan Firstborn (Wargames Atlantic Les Grognards)


Vostroyan Firstborn (Wargames Atlantic Les Grognards)



Vostroyan Firstborn (Wargames Atlantic Les Grognards)


Vostroyan Firstborn (Wargames Atlantic Les Grognards)




Old Guard: An Astra Militarum/Imperial Guard Fan Site

The Old Guard: An Astra Militarum/Imperial Guard Fan Site is a website dedicated to Games Workshop’s Warhammer 40K universe, with a focus on the classic range of Imperial Guard miniatures of old (the second edition of the game).

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