Wednesday 25 August 2021

Dungeon Crawl Classics (DCC) Murt’s Miscalculation: Art

Dungeon Crawl Classics Murt's Miscalculations

Murt’s Miscalculation: Cover Page




Twenty-five years ago, Murt, a humble storekeeper, was abducted one evening by Extraterrestrials.  The Aliens did experiments on Murt and enhanced his intelligence by implanting nano-microchips in his brain.  After his abduction, Murt developed a fascination in the areas of astronomy, interdimensional travel, theoretical physics, and mathematics.   Murt’s fascination in these subjects caused his fellow villagers question his sanity.  “There will be a day to come…”, Murt told himself, “When my knowledge will save the entire village.”

This day finally came when the Village of Greenleaf was teleported to an interdimensional prison.  The villagers were held captive until the Woman in Black, the vile fiend who trapped the village, returned to devour their souls.  Murt understood the physics behind the Woman in Black’s interdimensional prison and knew that it was necessary to open a portal to the Woman in Black’s lair before she could regain her full strength.  It was a race against the clock for Murt as he built the portal.  After 5 days of endless work, Murt completed the portal, which allowed a band of adventures to enter the Woman in Black’s lair and defeat her, freeing the Village Greenleaf.

The long hours of work did take a tool on Murt.  As a result, Murt made a miscalculation in the return coordinates for Greenleaf.  Instead of arriving back home to the present, the Village of Greenleaf was transported 15,000 years to the past...  A new and exciting world of adventure awaits YOUR PLAYERS in Murt’s Miscalculation.






Dungeon Crawl Classics Murt's Miscalculations

Murt’s Machine 1





I am currently writing a Dungeon Crawl Classics third-party compatible follow-up adventure to The Cat and the Resurrection, titled Murt’s Miscalculation.  This adventure is designed for a Level 3 party of 6 to 10 characters.  I have completed the cover art using a digital drawing tablet and Adobe Photoshop.  As well, I have completed more interior art pieces (pencil and paper drawings) for this adventure module (see part 1 for earlier interior art pieces). 







Dungeon Crawl Classics Murt's Miscalculations

Curse Kompany




Dungeon Crawl Classics Murt's Miscalculations

Wild Boar




Dungeon Crawl Classics Murt's Miscalculations

Otis McGuff (Villager)



Dungeon Crawl Classics Murt's Miscalculations

Leader of the Captives




Dungeon Crawl Classics Murt's Miscalculations

Forest Brute Sitting





Dungeon Crawl Classics Murt's Miscalculations

Village Pillory




Dungeon Crawl Classics Murt's Miscalculations

Pygmy Angry Chef




Dungeon Crawl Classics Murt's Miscalculations






Dungeon Crawl Classics Murt's Miscalculations

Woman of the Willow Tree

Monday 23 August 2021

Dungeon Crawl Classics: The Cat & the Resurrection



Dungeon Crawl Classics The Cat & the Resurrection

The Cat & the Resurrection (Cover)




Mr. Mu was no ordinary cat; he was an extraordinary cat…  In fact, you could say he was a genius-level cat.  When Mr. Mu’s beloved owner, Mrs. Wynworth, was on her deathbed succumbing to old age, Mr. Mu came up with a plan.  He summoned a mysterious woman, dressed entirely in black, to the Village of Greenleaf to resurrect his beloved Mrs. Wynworth when she passed.  The Woman in Black performed a mysterious ritual at the death bed of his dying owner.

At Mrs. Wynworth’s funeral, the outcome of the ritual unfolded...  Mrs. Wynworth’s coffin opened, her body levitated above the ground.  In a state of excitement, Mr. Mu jumped on the pulpit and said, “Mrs. Wynworth, my best friend, I have brought you back from the dead!  Oh, rise my beloved Mrs. Wynworth.  Rise from the darkness and return to the world of the living.”  However, Mr. Mu was deceived.  He witnessed the levitating body burst into flame and ash.  The ritual the Woman in Black performed at Mrs. Wynworth's deathbed was not a resurrection ritual; instead, it was a ritual to trap the Village on Greenleaf in a pocket dimension.

A thick mist encircled the entire village and storm clouds hid the sky.  The Village of Greenleaf was trapped.  The Woman in Black rose and hovered in the air.  She told the mourners her plan of entrapping the village and devouring their souls.  The Woman in Black vanished in a cloud of smoke; she was weak from the ritual and would need to return to her lair to regain her full strength.  When she returned, she would devour the villager’s souls.

There was a race against time...  A portal would need to be opened to the Woman in Black’s lair.  She would need to be defeated while still in a weakened state.  Fortunately for the villagers, Murt, whose intelligence was enhanced by experiments performed by extraterrestrials, knew how to create such a portal.  Murt worked tirelessly for five days and opened a portal to the Woman in Black’s lair.  Now, it will be up to YOUR PLAYERS to transverse the interdimensional lair and defeat the Woman in Black before she regains her full strength.





Dungeon Crawl Classics The Cat & the Resurrection

The Cat & the Resurrection (Back Cover)




I finished writing The Cat & the Resurrection, a third-party Dungeon Crawl Classics adventure module that builds on the events in Beneath the Giant’s Head and the setting established in Fantastic Adventures & the Disgruntled Gong Farmer.  This adventure is designed for a 2nd-level party of 6 to 10 characters.  The Cat & the Resurrection is available as a free PDF on DriveThruRPG (physical copies will be available in the near future).







Dungeon Crawl Classics The Cat & the Resurrection

Full Cover





Dungeon Crawl Classics The Cat & the Resurrection

Cover Art from an Unpublished Adventure


I borrowed the Wizard & Warrior used in the cover art from an earlier unpublished adventure I was writing (and never finished) as a follow up adventure to Beneath the Giant’s Head.  This adventure dealt with an interdimensional dungeon, where the final villain was a demon.  Several elements of this adventure were adapted to The Cat and The Resurrection.






Tasaka Games

Tasaka Games is my humble one-person tabletop role-playing game company. 

Dungeon & Dragon Miniatures: Board Game Miniatures Part 5

    Board Game Miniatures   As a Dungeon Master, I love using miniatures in my games to represent the monsters and NPCs my players e...