Saturday 5 June 2021

Basic Fantasy RPG Magic-User/Fighter Character Generator Version 2


Basic Fantasy RPG Magic-User/Thief Character Generator Version 2

Basic Fantasy RPG Magic-User/Thief Character Generator Version 2





Magic-User/Thieves are a class unique to elves; they possess the thieving skills of the Thief class and the spellcasting abilities of the Magic-User class. Magic-User/Thieves can wear leather armour and use all weapon types. A drawback for Magic-User/Thieves is the amount of experience points needed to gain character levels: a combined total for both classes is needed for the Magic-User/Thief to progress to the next level of experience.






Basic Fantasy RPG Magic-User/Thief Character Generator Version 2

Screenshot Magic-User/Fighter Character Generator Version 2





A new iteration (version 2) of the Basic Fantasy RPG Magic-User/Fighter Character Generator has launched and is available on Dark Dungeons and Deadly Adventures, a fan site dedicated to Chris Gonnerman’s Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game.  The updated Magic-User/Fighter Character Generator features more options for character customization (i.e., optional die rolling methods, etc.) and a redesigned character sheet inspired by the early years (late 1970s) of the RPG hobby.






Basic Fantasy RPG Magic-User/Thief Character Generator Version 2

Magic-User/Fighter Character Sheet (Version 2)





Basic Fantasy RPG Magic-User/Thief Character Generator Version 2



Basic Fantasy RPG Magic-User/Thief Character Generator Version 2


Basic Fantasy RPG Fighter/Magic-User Character Generator Version 2


Basic Fantasy RPG FIghter/Magic-User Generator Version 2

Basic Fantasy RPG FIghter/Magic-User Generator Version 2




A unique class, only available to elves, the Fighter/Magic-User combines the abilities of the fighter and magic-user classes: they are the only class that can wear heavy armour while casting arcane spells. The one disadvantage for Fighter/Magic-Users is the amount of experience points needed to advance in level: they require the combined total of the experience points for both classes to reach their next level of experience.





Basic Fantasy RPG FIghter/Magic-User Generator Version 2

Screenshot Fighter/Magic-User Character Generator Version 2





A new iteration (version 2) of the Basic Fantasy RPG Fighter/Magic-User Character Generator has launched and is available on Dark Dungeons and Deadly Adventures, a fan site dedicated to Chris Gonnerman’s Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game.  The updated Fighter/Magic-User Character Generator features more options for character customization (i.e., optional die rolling methods, etc.) and a redesigned character sheet inspired by the early years (late 1970s) of the RPG hobby.







Basic Fantasy RPG FIghter/Magic-User Generator Version 2

Fighter/Magic-User Character Sheet (Version 2)




Basic Fantasy RPG FIghter/Magic-User Generator Version 2



Basic Fantasy RPG FIghter/Magic-User Generator Version 2


Friday 4 June 2021

Basic Fantasy RPG Thief Character Generator Version 2


Basic Fantasy RPG Thief Character Generator

Basic Fantasy RPG Thief Character Generator




Thieves are cunning experts at picking locks and pockets, disarming traps and employing stealth; their skills and expertise makes them valuable additions for any adventuring party. While a fighter engages an enemy directly in combat, a thief employs stealth to sneak up on their foe, striking their unsuspecting victim with a deadly sneak attack.





Screenshot Thief Character Generator Version 2

 Thief Character Sheet (Version 2)


A new iteration (version 2) of the Basic Fantasy RPG Thief Character Generator has launched and is available on Dark Dungeons and Deadly Adventures, a fan site dedicated to Chris Gonnerman’s Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game.  The updated Thief Character Generator features more options for character customization (i.e., optional die rolling methods, etc.) and a redesigned character sheet inspired by the early years (late 1970s) of the RPG hobby.






Screenshot Thief Character Generator Version 2

Screenshot Thief Character Generator Version 2





Basic Fantasy RPG Thief Character Generator


Basic Fantasy RPG Thief Character Generator



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