Monday 29 November 2021

White Box Elf (Variant) Character Generator: Version 2


White Box Elf (variant) Character Generator


The Elf Variant class is an optional player character class that blends the fighter and magic-user classes into one; it is an alterative to the original design of the elf, which involves players switching between these two classes throughout the course of the campaign. The Elf (Variant) gains spellcasting abilities starting at second level and can progress up to the 8th character level of experience.





White Box Elf (variant) Character Generator

White Box Character Sheet (Version 2)




A new iteration (version 2) of the White Box Elf (variant) Character Generator has launched and is available on Fantastic Medieval Adventures; a website dedicated to Charlie Mason’s White Box fantasy role-playing game. The new character generator features a newly designed character sheet, created with Adobe Photoshop and a digital drawing tablet.





White Box Elf (variant) Character Generator

White Box Elf (variant) Character Generator (Version 2) Screenshot






White Box Elf (variant) Character Generator



White Box Elf (variant) Character Generator

Tuesday 23 November 2021

White Box Thief Character Generator: Version 2


White Box Thief Character Generator Version 2

Thieves prefer the use of cunning and stealth over brute force. While a Thief may engage a foe in a fair fight with a test of arms, a thief will hide in the shadows, sneaking up on their foes undetected, striking their unsuspecting victims from behind. Thieves posses a unique, if somewhat questionable, set of skills which includes pick locks and pockets, hiding in shadows and setting and disabling traps.




White Box Thief Character Generator Version 2

White Box Character Sheet (Version 2)




A new iteration (version 2) of the White Box Thief Character Generator has launched and is available on Fantastic Medieval Adventures; a website dedicated to Charlie Mason’s White Box fantasy role-playing game. The new character generator features a newly designed character sheet, created with Adobe Photoshop and a digital drawing tablet.





White Box Thief Character Generator Version 2

White Box Thief Character Generator (Version 2) Screenshot




White Box Thief Character Generator Version 2




White Box Thief Character Generator Version 2


Sunday 21 November 2021

White Box Magic-User Character Generator: Version 2


White Box Magic-User Character Generator Version 2


Magic-Users are arcane spell casters who devote their lives to the pursuit of magic and the arcane arts. Their commitment to studying magic has limited their martial combat skills; thus, magic-users are restricted to the use of daggers and staves in combat and are prohibited from wearing armour. As magic-users advance in level, they gain access to powerful high-level spells, making magic-users, at higher levels, one of the most powerful character classes in the game.





White Box Magic-User Character Generator Version 2

White Box Character Sheet (Version 2)




A new iteration (version 2) of the White Box Magic-User Character Generator has launched and is available on Fantastic Medieval Adventures; a website dedicated to Charlie Mason’s White Box fantasy role-playing game. The new character generator features a newly designed character sheet, created with Adobe Photoshop and a digital drawing tablet.





White Box Magic-User Character Generator Version 2

White Box Magic-User Character Generator (Version 2) Screenshot





White Box Magic-User Character Generator Version 2



White Box Magic-User Character Generator Version 2



Dungeon & Dragon Miniatures: Board Game Miniatures Part 5

    Board Game Miniatures   As a Dungeon Master, I love using miniatures in my games to represent the monsters and NPCs my players e...