Thursday 12 January 2023

Classic Old School Revival Characters: Digital Art



Digial Art: Classic OSR Characters



I completed new digital illustrations in Adobe Photoshop using a digital pen and drawing tablet.  The illustrations represent four classic Old School Revival Characters: The Cleric, the Magic-User, the Dwarf, and the Halfling.  The illustrations are designed for my hobby OSR role-playing websites; I have also added these to my Adobe portfolio profile.  Next, I am planning to create illustrations for the Fighter, Thief, and Elf character classes.mark






Digial Art: Classic OSR Characters

The Cleric





Digial Art: Classic OSR Characters

The Magic-User





Digial Art: Classic OSR Characters

The Dwarf





Digial Art: Classic OSR Characters

The Halfling





Digial Art: Classic OSR Characters

Cleric battling a Hobgoblin

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