Friday 30 March 2018

Plantient Miniatures for your Mutant Crawl Classics Games

 Reaper Miniatures 14504: Saporling Warrior (left) and 03243: Swamp Shambler (right)

Goodman Games' Mutant Crawl Classics, created by the legendary Jim Wampler, introduces several new and unique character classes. Among these new classes are the Plantients, walking sentient plants gifted with special plant-like abilities and wondrous mutant powers.

The Plantient class deviated from your typically fantasy/science fiction character classes.  This makes it challenging to find plantient miniatures.  The two miniatures that I found that could represent plantients are from Reaper Minatures:
  • 03242: Swamp Shambler
  • 14504: Saporling Warrior* 

*The Saporling Warrior shown in this post has been converted to include a shield and spear.

If you would like to see more of my Mutant Crawl Classics miniatures, please visit Artifacts of the Ancient Ones: A Mutant Crawl Classics Fan Site.

 Plantients battling Giant Alligator-man (02763: Shend, Alligator-man)

 77499: Gutrags, Stitch Golem

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