Wednesday 4 September 2019

Warhammer 40,000: Gaunt’s Ghosts Miniatures

Created by legendary Games Workshop writer Dan Abnett, Gaunt’s Ghosts is a series that spans 15 novels, 1 novella and several short stories. Gaunt’s Ghosts focuses on the Tanith First-and-Only, an Imperial Guard regiment founded on the world of Tanith; a world destroyed by Chaos. Originally Colonel-Commissar Ibram Gaunt was tasked with raising three regiments from Tanith; however, a Chaos splinter fleet attacked Tanith on the day of the founding, and only 3,500 of the 6,000 Tanith guardsmen managed to escape the planet before it was destroyed. The surviving Tanith guardsmen were reorganized into a single regiment: the Tanith First-and-Only (nicknamed Gaunt’s Ghosts by Tanith Master Sniper Mad Larkins).

Left to Right: Colonel Colm Corbec, Colonel-Commissar Ibram Gaunt,
Female Ghost & Ghost with Plasma Gun (front)

Left to Right: Colonel Colm Corbec, Colonel-Commissar Ibram Gaunt,
Female Ghost & Ghost with Plasma Gun (back)

Left to Right: Generic Ghost, ‘Mad’ Larkins, Doctor Dorden,
Brin Milo & Generic Ghost (front) 

Left to Right: Generic Ghost, ‘Mad’ Larkins, Doctor Dorden,
Brin Milo & Generic Ghost (back)

In the early 2000s, Citadel Miniatures released 10 metal Gaunt’s Ghosts miniatures (please see Collecting Citadels Miniatures for more details).  I have painted nine of these miniatures, which includes: Colonel-Commissar Gaunt, Colonel Colm Corbec, Doctor Dorden, Adjutant Brin Milo, Sniper ‘Mad’ Larkins, Generic Ghost with plasma gun and three Generic Ghosts with lasguns.

Female Ghost: The original Ghosts are all male, and the people of Tanith are described as having dark hair, blue eyes and fair skin.  Blue ‘Celtic-style’ tattoos are common among the people of Tanith.  At the end of the third novel (Necropolis), several members from the Vervunhive Primary and Vervunhive Scratch Companies joined the Ghosts.  Includes with these new additions are several female Ghosts.  The people of Verunhive have a more diverse appearance; as such, I painted the female Ghost with ‘dirty-blonde’ hair.  Another difference between the Vervunhive Ghosts and the original Tanith Ghosts is that while the lasguns of the Tanith have nailwood stocks, the lasguns of the Vervunhive Ghosts do not.

For more images of these miniatures, please visit the Gaunt’s Ghost section of the Old Guard.

Old Guard: An Astra Militarum/Imperial Guard Fan Site is a website dedicated to Games Workshop’s Warhammer 40K miniatures, with a focus on the classic range of Imperial Guard models from the 1990s.

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