Monday 3 June 2019

Tallaran Desert Raiders and Necromunda

I have taken bit of a break from painting miniatures, focuses instead on sketching illustrations for my RPG books and hobby websites.  However, painting miniatures is an important part of my ‘RPG hobby’ and I am planning to return to this hobby soon.  Instead of dusting off my old paints and finding miniatures to paint (I have way too many unpainted miniatures around my home), I decided to first start off by photographing some of the miniatures I have painted in the past.

The Tallaran Desert Raiders were released in 1994, when Games Workshop redesigned the Imperial Guard (Astra Militarum), by releasing world specific Imperial Guard Regiments.  Up until the summer of 2018, Games Workshop had several of their classic Imperial Guard metal ranges available on their website.  I purchased most of the Tallaran miniatures shown here back in 2018 when they were still available on the GW site (I purchased the heavy bolter team from a hobby store’s discount bin several years ago).

Tallarn Desert Raiders Squad Members

Tallarn Desert Raider Heavy Bolter

Tallarn Missile Launcher Team and Plasma Gun Trooper

Games Workshop released a new iteration of their classics skirmish game Necromunda in late 2017, with a box set featuring the all-female Escher Gang and the House Goliath Gang.  I purchased this set a short time after the initial release and set out to paint these miniatures with a distinct colour scheme that paid homage to the look and flavour of miniatures from the box set.  For instance, the box set Goliath were painted with orange armour; a colour the invokes the emotions of caution and danger.  I painted my Goliath with a yellow colour scheme, which, I felt, will invokes a similar emotional reaction.

 House Goliath

House Escher

 Escher vs Goliath

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