Tuesday 1 February 2022

Dungeon Crawl Classics Eastern Adventures Art: Part 6


Dungeon Crawl Classics Eastern Adventures

I have completed some pencil-and-paper illustrations for the zero-level character funnel that will be featured in the Dungeon Crawl Classics Eastern Adventures campaign book (please see previous posts for more detail).  The illustrations represent the monsters and encounters the characters will face in this adventure.






Dungeon Crawl Classics Eastern Adventures

Monkey Statue





Dungeon Crawl Classics Eastern Adventures

Retainer (NPC)





Dungeon Crawl Classics Eastern Adventures

Undead Minion 1





Dungeon Crawl Classics Eastern Adventures

Undead Minion 2





Dungeon Crawl Classics Eastern Adventures

Undead Minion 3





Dungeon Crawl Classics Eastern Adventures

Undead Minion 4


Undead Minion.  The undead minion are the rank-and-file monsters the characters will encounter throughout this adventure.





Dungeon Crawl Classics Eastern Adventures

Spider web and cocoons





Dungeon Crawl Classics Eastern Adventures

The Final Boss





Dungeon Crawl Classics Eastern Adventures

Dungeon Crawl Classics Eastern Adventures Redux is the companion website for the upcoming DCC Eastern Adventures source book.  A random Eastern Adventures zero-level character generator is found on this site.

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